Just in case you cannot make use of our fantastic deals with Musto, the Logo may be used by bona-fide competitors as follows:
The Rolex Fastnet Race Logo (the "logo") may only be used by bona-fide competitors of the Rolex Fastnet Race. It is not permissable to use the logo to brand products or merchandise items of any kind (T-Shirts, Bags, etc) without prior permission of the Royal Ocean Racing Club or Rolex SA.
The logo may be affixed to competitor clothing or campaign websites in accordance with the guidelines below:
The logo may be reproduced only in the versions shown in these guidelines and may not be altered in any way
The logo should always have a bounding box or "clearspace" around it to seperate it from surrounding elements, with a minimum width equal to the height of the "Rolex Fastnet Race" text
The smallest size the logo can be applied is 5 centimeters wide, or, for screen representation, 150 pixels. The bounding box/clearspace still applies.
Whenever possible, the logo should be used on a white or neutral background. It is not allowed to use the logo on a pattern or photographic background, or on a background colour that is similar to the colours in the logo.
It is not allowed to stretch, cut apart, alter or change the logo in any way (including tilting, condensing, slanting, leaning)
Logo Downloads
2023 Rolex Fastnet Race Logo: Encapsulated Postscript (eps) Format
2023 Rolex Fastnet Race Logo: PDF Format